Meet Pierre Atallah

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Pierre Atallah

Pearson Middle East Training and Integration Manager


Pierre Atallah is an educational professional with 15+ years of experience in the educational arena. With expertise across various disciplines, he is mainly focused on Math and Science education and educational leadership and management. Driving his passion is commitment for community and social development through learning. He enjoys working with people in educational contexts bringing out their potential and enabling them to grow in the face of challenges through impacting their work cultures and behavioural routines. He finds himself influential in policy development, management sustainability and efficiency and integration of technology in leadership and management as tools of institutional effectiveness.
Pierre holds a Master’s Degree in International Education Policy and Management from the University of Birmingham, England and a Bachelor’s Degree in Physics from the Lebanese University, Lebanon

All sessions by Pierre Atallah

    • Saturday26/11/2016

Theme 6. The Common Core State Standards: Challenges for English Language Learners


Theme 7. The New Generation Science Standards: Implementing the NGSS in international schools

The Next Generation Science Standards promise significant shifts in student attainment in sciences. The promise stands true if the standards are implemented in fidelity to their structure and approach. The shift to full NGSS implementation is a learning curves at all levels. Teacher professional development programs , curriculum design , unit writing, instruction and feedback, assessment and data driven planning are all steps that shape a school's NGSS quest. How will your school make the shift? How can Pearson help?
In this session, we explore what your NGSS shift could entail and how can Pearson be your partner in the journey.


Theme 9. Math skills in K to 6: enVision Math 2.0

Math practices had been around much before their publication under the Standards for Math Practices. Teachers use them in their classes on daily basis. So what has changed? The standards for Math Practices bring in an element of awareness much needed in our Math lessons and direct us to ensure that students, more than teachers, own and apply these practices. In this session, we will experience how a math practice comes to life in a classroom context from a teacher and student perspective using tools out of Envision Math.