WES 20 - Amman - programme

    • SUNDAYFebruary 16, 2020
    • MONDAYFebruary 17, 2020

Registration, Coffee, Networking


Opening Remarks

Habib Sayegh
CEO, Sayegh Companies

How a Mastery Approach Develops Understanding in Maths

This session will explore how adopting a mastery approach to teaching maths deepens understanding for all children. We will look at what mastery means in the maths classroom and what a mastery-based lesson can look like.

Sarah White
Educational Consultant

Developing Mental Habits with Maths Practices: Let them Envision Maths

Students make sense of Maths content when they learn to see relationships, ask questions and try different approaches. Maths practices (MPs) are the bedrock of these future skills. With York Envision Maths, students make the connections necessary to deepen their understanding.

Dr Mahdi Mansour
Consultant, Professor, Trainer, Educator, Writer

Break, Networking


Supporting EAL Pupils in the Primary Science Curriculum

In this workshop we will look at the different areas of the Primary Science Curriculum and explore how we can support pupils with English as an additional language to develop subject knowledge and think scientifically through practical activities.

Sarah White
Educational Consultant

Building Science Process Skills with York Interactive Science

Science Process Skills (SPS) include basic and integrated science skills. It is not enough to simply know the basics of science. Instead, it is extremely important to apply science process skills in real life situations. Being equipped with these skills enables students of the future to replicate the behaviour of scientists, solve problems and deal with the changing world around them. With York Interactive Science, the future is now!

Dr Mahdi Mansour
Consultant, Professor, Trainer, Educator, Writer



Networking Area


تعلّمُ مهاراتِ المستقبلِ والقراءةُ المتدرّجةُ

كيف ينمّي تعلّمُ اللّغةِ العربيّةِ مهاراتِ القرنِ الحادي والعشرين؟ وكيف يُمكِنُ استثمارُ هذه المهاراتِ في تحسينِ التّحصيلِ التّعلّميِّ اللّغويِّ لدى المتعلّمِ؟ وما دورُ مشروعِ القراءةِ المتدرّجةِ في تطويرِ مهاراتِ القرنِ الحادي والعشرين (المهاراتُ القياديّةُ)؟

ريما حاروكي
منسّقةُ اللّغةِ العربيّةِ للمرحلتَينِ المتوسّطةِ والثّانويةِ في جمعيةِ المقاصدِ الاسلاميّةِ

Raising Futuristic Readers

From “learning to read” to “reading to learn”, students’ journeies in reading can be either boring or engaging. However, this journey becomes most exciting when learners engage their imagination, curiosity, critical thinking and communication, as well as other skills that help shape the futuristic readers inside them. In this workshop, participants will become more familiar with the must-have skills for the students of the future and will learn how these can be integrated into reading. They will also find out how these skills are effectively embedded within York Reading Adventures.

Jessy Matta
Educational Consultant

Break, Networking


International Arab Baccalaureate (IAB), Skills for Life

The International Arab Baccalaureate (IAB) session focuses on the importance of the crossdisciplinary project in promoting interdisciplinarity and developing various skills. These skills include, but are not limited to, leadership skills, design thinking skills and social and emotional skills. In addition, the IAB cross-disciplinary project is aligned with the community work hours endorsed by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in Lebanon as part of the students’ Secondary education. Successful stories will be presented.

Dr Tony Tohme
Educational Consultant
Chadi Mchantaf
Chairman of Secondary Cycle

موسوعةُ الفراشةِ الإلكترونيّةُ، هي منصّةٌ للبحثِ والمشاريعِ

موسوعةُ الفراشةِ هي الموسوعةُ المدرسيّةُ الأولى باللّغةِ العربيّةِ على شبكةِ الإنترنت. تُسلِّطُ هذه المنصّةُ الإلكترونيّةُ الضوءَ على معلوماتٍ مصنّفةٍ في خمسِ فئاتٍ: الجغرافيا والتاريخُ والحضارةُ والأدبُ والعلومُ. يلِجُ المتعلّمُ إلى مصطلحاتٍ علميّةٍ ومقالاتٍ ترتكزُ على الموضوعِ، وترتبطُ بالمنهجِ المدرسيِّ، ومعاجمَ مصوّرةٍ غنيّةٍ. إنّ خصائصَ موسوعةِ الفراشةِ تسهّلُ البحثَ والتحكّمَ بمحتواها، من خلالِ الترابطِ مع المنهجِ الدراسيِّ، واستخدامِ أداةِ التأشيرِ، وروابطَ مختلفةٍ لمقالاتٍ أخرى.

Jessy Matta
Educational Consultant

Recommendations, Closing & Certificates

