يتناول العرض الرؤية الإصلاحية لمناهج التعليم قبل الجامعي في مصر، التي تبنّتها وزارة التربية والتعليم والتعليم الفنّي، وبدأ العمل عليها عام ٢٠١٧، وطُبِّقت للمرّة الأولى عام ٢٠١٨. ويوضح العرض فلسفة هذه الحركة والأهداف التي قامت عليها، ومواصفات الخرّيج الذي يستهدفه هذا التطوير. يتناول العرض أيضًا، الركائز أو الدعائم التي بُنِيت عليها المناهج المطوَّرة والمداخل المختلفة والمسارات المُتّبَعة بهدف تحقيق فلسفة هذه الحركة وأهدافها. أخيرًا، يتناول العرض الخطوات الإجرائية المُنفَّذة منذ إعلان التطوير حتّى اليوم، وكذلك الخطوات المستقبلية.
This presentation introduces York Global Corpus, the brand new programme for
science and mathematics
education worldwide, launched by York Press. In this session, key ideas
behind the underlying framework
and pedagogy are revealed, alongside how these can improve attainment. There
is also a walkthrough
of the teaching and learning resources, designed with the vision of making
high-quality STEM education
globally accessible.
Conceptual understanding is critical to attainment in mathematics, and there
are many pedagogical
approaches available worldwide that claim to provide the best impact. Since
students learn in very different
ways, it is difficult to know which particular approach is most effective.
This session explores the pedagogy
behind York Global Mathematics and, in particular, how the visualisation of
concepts can aid teaching and
learning whichever curriculum your students are following.
Learning the skills to support scientific thinking is fundamental for the
study of science, as well as for
students to be able to make sense of the world around them. Not only do
these skills help develop
scientists of the future, but they also help engage students by adding
interest and encouraging critical
thinking. This interactive session will focus on how to achieve effective
integration of scientific skills
into science lessons, by using the main York Global Corpus content alongside
the separate Skills strand
The world is becoming more and more connected, and the children we teach
today will grow up to live in
an even more globally connected world. Teachers can help prepare them for
this evolving world by helping
them establish connections in the classroom, in their local area, and around
the world! Want to know how?
In this practical, hands on session, we’ll take a look at some simple ideas
to help teachers develop connections
through the primary social science class.
إن كنت ترغب في التعرّف على استراتيجية قراءة تشمل تطوير 6 مهارات تفكير عليا
أساسية لدى الطلّاب، شاركنا في هذه الجلسة التفاعلية التي ستتعرّف من خلالها
على إحدى أهمّ استراتيجيات تعلُّم القراءة وتعليمها، وعلى كيفية تطبيقها من
خلال القصص القرائية في جميع اللغات، باستخدام الكتب المطبوعة والرقمية معًا.
This workshop will introduce you to Enquiry
Based Learning, where your
pupils will be inspired to solve
problems, question their own understanding, and
become “scientists”. Over
the hour we will hypothesise,
carry out our own experiments, and prove or
disprove our assumptions. Don’t
worry, you won’t need to bring
any scientific equipment with you just; an
inquisitive mind open to new
ideas and ready to try things out.
Research shows us that effective teaching and learning is outcome-focused. By setting clear goals – and measuring progress towards those goals – we can better understand the impact of what is being taught. The Global Scale of English (GSE) was developed to support teachers in the practical application of goal setting against an international standard for English. In this session, we will look at ways in which the GSE supports teachers in their day-to-day work, showcasing the tools and resources that are freely available online.
من منّا لا يحبّ القراءة؟ ولكن كم من الوقت نمضيه
ونحن نقرأ؟ ما الذي يمكن أن
يساعدنا في تشجيع طلّابنا على القراءة أكثر،
بخاصّة بلغتهم الأمّ، ومن ذلك
دفعهم إلى التعلّق بها؟ سنعمل معًا خلال هذه
الجلسة، للتعرّف على القراءة
المتدرّجة التي تسمح لطلّابنا بالاستمتاع بالقراءة
وبالتالي تُحبِّبها إليهم.
فالقراءة المتدرّجة ترتقي بالمتعلّم إلى مستوى
أعلى من مستواه القرائي الفعلي
بسلاسة ومتانة، لكنّ الأهمّ هو أنّها تلبّي رغباته
وقدراته القرائية.
A full set of digital tools and a flexible curriculum mean that an institution can provide quality instruction in any mode. Additionally, the ability to adapt to rapidly changing conditions is at the centre of institutional readiness.
This session will present the proper tools needed in order to become an EST proctor. It will explore the qualifications needed for proctors to become certified by the EST, their responsibilities, and mode of operation. It also provides helpful information for teachers who want to aid their students in registering for any EST service.
There is a belief (or myth?) that before the pandemic, teachers were aggressively against digital education and were pushed kicking and screaming into the future. Is that fair? Is that even true? Maybe there are two sides. Maybe there is more to that story. What is certain is that we are walking a different path than we were in 2019 and the road ahead is still unclear. We know that education is not distilled into a year, but a whole life and the world of education do not depend only on a teacher and a coursebook. Let’s try and shed some light, get connected onto the same wavelength and destroy some myths. Once we’ve done that, let’s look at how Pearson is ready for this journey.
Long gone are the days when Reading
Comprehension relied on reading a passage then
answering a series
of questions. This workshop will guide you
through how to utilise Active Learning
techniques to raise
attainment in reading and comprehension. Be
prepared to join in fast moving activities where
you will be
putting new strategies into action as we follow
a sample lesson from start to finish. Although
this is aimed
at staff working with pupils in KS3, the
strategies can be applied and adapted for all
stages and subjects.
Identifying a student’s level is essential for placement and choosing resources. Also, measuring learners’ progress over time can tell us what our students need and what their strengths are. Using technology to do that can mean more accurate results, a lighter workload for teachers, and a more efficient and effective programme.
This session will give an overview of the EST I Math content and compare it to the Math sections in other standardised tests. Attendees will understand why this test is suitable for students completing the American Diploma. Attendees will be also given instructional suggestions for students preparing for the EST’s.
During this session, we will take an in-depth look at how children learn to read. We will discuss what difficulties we face when trying to teach children to read, as well s'exploring synthetic phonics and how it can help children become successful readers.
In this session we will take a deeper look at how to effectively develop students' mathematical abilities to solve problems and to reason. We will think about why these skills are so important and what we can do as educators to help students develop them.
Studies into the impact of technology and automation on society suggests that many of today’s students will be applying for jobs which currently don’t exist. So how do we prepare these learners for such future uncertainties? What are the skills of the future that will ensure their place in tomorrow’s job market? Is it the place of ELT teachers to be teaching these skills?
This session will begin with a refresher of the IAB programme and its scope of work. It will also include the latest news about its international development when it comes to the various collaborations with UK universities that have just recognised the diploma. It will end with a short presentation about a case study that illustrates the needed conditions for the growth and success of the programme when it is being implemented in schools.
Employers around the world have said they are looking for candidates with “soft skills” such as creativity, critical thinking, and communication. This session takes a closer look at these skills and the type of learning experiences that help students develop them.
What does it mean when we refer to a coding mindset? What importance or relevance does it have in the English language learning classroom? In this session, we will discover what coding and computational thinking is, then look at some fun and practical ways to integrate such an approach into the classroom with young learners. No computers or coding qualifications required!
English language teaching and learning have been rich areas for research, examining approaches and methodologies to see which produce the best results. But which of us has time to follow all of this research – in addition to preparing courses, running classes, giving assessments, admin and so on? In this session, we will look at some of the key findings from the research and examine the implications for the classroom.
This session will explore the different language skills assessed in the EST and the content covered in both the Literacy 1 and Literacy 2 exams. The types of questions within the exams and their alignment to the Common Core Standards will also be reviewed. The focus of the session will then shift to an explanation of how the exam questions are created and the rigorous validation process of each exam question by the team of international experts. The continuous quality control of the test design and delivery will be reviewed and the current and upcoming resources for teachers and students to practise the exam will be shared.
This session will show how CAT4 can revolutionise children’s learning in a fast-paced and ever-changing technological world. CAT4, unlike any other assessment in education is not directly related to any particular educational curriculum. Nevertheless, it can be and is directly used to determine the most appropriate learning/teaching methods for each and every single child based on their assessment results, which determine the dynamics of each student’s learning profile.
Whilst new trends and themes emerge in ELL, it is easy to forget or dismiss some essentials. In this session, we revisit CLIL. We will refresh our understanding of CLIL and the important role it can play in the classroom, not only relating to students’ language learning but also the development of key future skills necessary to help them shine in the real world.
How do we want our learners to speak (or write) in English? Over-teaching of grammatical structures and formal language tends to produce students who speak Grammarish instead of real, natural language. Engaging with the real thing, in authentic situations, might be a solution.
How can we grab teenagers’ brains and keep hold of them? What strategies and tips have we got for engaging our learners with the language and topics? Not just classroom management, here we will see if we can become teen whisperers with a splash of brain science and a sprinkle of practical ideas.