Educational consultant
Sarah is an Educational Consultant who has been a Primary class teacher for nearly 30 years. She
has spent many years as a member of School Leadership Teams (SLTs) and as head teacher of
various international schools.
She has also taught at both state and independent schools in the UK.
Sarah’s experience of leading improvement in literacy is wide ranging; she has focused on strategies
to improve reading across Primary schools by providing CPD, workshops for parents and establishing
school libraries. Sarah has also been a member of teacher panels with the STA working on Reading,
GPS and Maths SATs.
A Maths Mastery specialist, Sarah writes training materials to train teachers in using a mastery
approach in their classrooms as well as training schools in mastery and Power Maths.
Sarah also consults in using assessment tools for tracking and planning.
Following the completion of her MA in Education, Management and Leadership, Sarah now presents
workshops and trains in the UK and internationally.