Meet Louise Pike

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Louise Pike



Louise Pike is a Learning Consultant based in Turkey. She works in person and virtually with a variety of educators across the Middle East, Latin America and Europe. Her latest project involves training Ministry of Education supervisors and teachers in Oman to roll out a new nationwide curriculum. Louise has an MSc in TESOL, Leadership and Management from the University of Portsmouth and is a Pearson Certified Master Trainer. She has been living in Turkey for 8 years.
Louise values self-reflection, sharing ideas, teacher development and educational research. She particularly enjoys anything connected to young learners with an emphasis on creativity, extensive reading and curriculum planning. Her strong roots in psychology also makes classroom management one of her key interests.
Future-Proof Students in the ELL Classroom
How can we ensure learners are ‘future-proof’? One way to achieve this is by fostering our English language learners' future skills. In this session, we will explore how some future skills can be an integral part of everyday learning, with a focus on fun and practical activity suggestions for teachers to use in the young learners' classroom.