Abdulaziz Ali Alsabi started his journey in the education field in 1996 as
an English language teacher in an elementary school In Riyadh. He then
joined the BAE Systems (British Aerospace Aviation System) as a lecturer.
One year later, he came back to teaching in middle school and high
school, and was later promoted to Vice Principal then to Principal. After
that, Abdulaziz was assigned to work as an Educational Supervisor for the
English language in Riyadh, then as a General Supervisor at the Ministry of
Education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. After that, he retired early from
government work and joined the private educational sector. He worked as Principal of Manarat
Al-Riyadh International Schools in Riyadh. Then, he became the superintendent of the
After five years, he moved to Al-Rowad International Schools working as General Manager for
three years. He was then Vice President at the National Education Company, one of the
educational companies in KSA. Currently, Abdulaziz is CEO of Ajialouna Education Company.
He works in the field of educational consulting and investment and as Chairman of a tech
startup company. He also participated in the authorship of various books for the private
as well as English language curricula for sixth graders in the government sector. He wrote
several books in English and participated in several training programmes. He visited
countries to learn from their educational model such as the USA, Japan, Britain and Germany,
not to mention that he has presented many TV and radio programmes.